It’s Time to Fix the Broken Knox County Approach!

  • The fast development of Hardin Valley and Karns area is a strong sign of poor management by the current and prior administrations, county commission, and planning commission. The County’s “hands off the wheel approach” has placed Knox County into furthering a housing crisis that has given local developers more control. The current belief of building more houses will help keep the costs down isn’t working. The current challenges we are facing are due to poor planning and leadership. Every time we build a house in Knox County it costs taxpayers money!

    We are in desperate need of community focused development in all aspects of Knoxville, but especially Hardin Valley. Once elected I plan on taking my experience from Hardin Valley Planning Advocates and a decade in banking/finance/mortgage markets to build a coalition of support for better development that helps everyday Knoxvillians.

  • It is no secret that Knox County does not pay its teachers or officers enough to live.

    Our teachers in KCS are leaving our schools for districts with better pay. This is unacceptable. In order for our children and community to prosper we most allocate more funds to supporting our public educators for grades K-12. Strong public schools create vibrant communities for our children to grow.

    In order for our officers to serve our community well , we must have attractable and competitive pay. Fully funding our officers attracts employees who want to serve their community, rather than harm. This will create more opportunities and growth towards a better Knox County.

    Let’s advocate for our County Employees!

  • Knoxvillians are tired of extreme partisanship within our local government. We must work together by bringing a greater sense of community to the public no matter who or what we believe in. We are all Knoxvillians and we all belong here. Our local government must consider the privacy of every constituent and work towards a common goal.

    As your next County Commissioner I will focus on what brings Knoxvillians together to create a thriving economy, an increase to our quality of life, and the sense of community.